Children's Chapel

Children’s Chapel provides children ages 3 and up an opportunity to worship in an age-appropriate way while their parents do likewise in the nave. Similar to the main worship service, they light candles, sing, pray for their own needs and the needs of others, and read the passages from the Bible in the lectionary for the week. Children follow the cross to the undercroft at the reading of the Gospel and rejoin their parents for the celebration of Holy Communion.

Children's Chapel is available for ages 3 and up during the 10:30 am Sunday service on most Sundays. 

For more information, please contact A. Howser


The nursery is staffed Sundays during the 10:30 Holy Eucharist for infants and children 3 yrs and under. It is located in the parish hall building. For more information on the nursery, please email Rosemary Kelly.

Note: For the safety of our children and adults, we adhere to the Safe Church, Safe Communities policies of the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee.